Zheng Wang

Precise and Robust Machine Learning for Code Analysis and Optimisation

Machine learning and deep learning are powerful tools for assisting software engineering tasks like bug detection and code optimisation. In this talk, I will discuss two fundamental challenges in applying machine learning to code-related tasks: capturing deep, precise program semantics and maintaining robust performance when facing changing workload patterns in the deployment environment. I will present some of my recent work to address the two issues, helping develop precise and robust machine learning solutions for code-related tasks like bug detection and performance optimisation.

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Zheng Wang is a Professor at the School of Computing at the University of Leeds. He is known for his work in incorporating machine learning into software optimisation. He has received seven best paper awards and a Test-of-Time award in systems conferences. He was named among the Elsevier and Stanford World’s Top 2% Scientists between 2020 and 2023.